Toyota 8-Series Focuses on Durability

Joyce Schwob - November 13, 2013

  Durable: 1. Capable of withstanding wear and tear or decay: 2. Able to perform or compete over a long period, as by avoiding or overcoming injuries: 3. Lasting; stable   As with all of their products, Toyota’s new 8-series forklifts are engineered to last using Toyota’s world-renowned production system. It delivers quality, durability and Read more

Sorry Your Part Seems to be Out of Stock

Joyce Schwob - November 6, 2013

It happens at the worst possible time. All you wanted were a few simple items to fix your forklift and surprise, surprise, something on your shopping list is out of stock. The parts might come in tomorrow, it might take up to a week –all you know is you have equipment out of service and you Read more

Lease or Loan – What is the Difference?

Joyce Schwob - October 30, 2013

The differences between loans and leases can be confusing, even the wording of the two financing instruments can be very close. So which one is right for you? Loan A loan usually requires the end-user to invest a down payment in the equipment. The loan finances the remaining amount. Because the purchaser is considered to Read more

3 Ways Toyota SAS Prevents Tipovers

Joyce Schwob - October 23, 2013

Over 94,000 lift truck accidents are reported in the US every year. Operator training is essential to reducing that number but it isn’t enough. Toyota decided that the best approach to preventing lift truck accidents is “one that combines the efforts of every person, business and organization involved” and decided take the lead role as a manufacturer. As a Read more

Going Going Gone – Forklift Tip Over Danger

Joyce Schwob - October 17, 2013

Forklift tip overs are the number one cause of forklift related deaths. Tip overs can be attributed to poor driving skills and these tragedies are preventable with proper forklift operator training. When you witness any of these unsafe operating conditions, you’ve got a recipe for disaster.   The likelihood of tip-overs is increased under the Read more

What Equipment Leasing Can do for Your Bottom Line

Joyce Schwob - October 9, 2013

Smart business people know that in order to stay productive and competitive, they need to continually upgrade their equipment. But few things can drain cash from a business like major equipment purchases.  Equipment leasing can be the right solution for a lot of reasons.   The Benefits of Leasing: Leasing offers many advantages over other financing Read more

Can We all Just Get Along? Forklifts vs.Pedestrians

Joyce Schwob - October 2, 2013

Thankfully competitions between forklifts and pedestrians don’t happen every day. But when they do the powerful forklift usually wins, causing serious injury to the pedestrian, even death.  Here are 13 ways things employers, pedestrians and forklift drivers can all do to avoid these unpleasant confrontations. Employers:  Separate the pedestrian and forklift traffic by creating designated walkways or travel ways. Restrict Read more

Buying Used Forklifts on the Web Can be Risky Business

Joyce Schwob - July 17, 2013

You are in business to make money and sometimes that means shopping for a forklift bargain. You might open a web-browser and search for a reliable forklift brand, like Toyota and see a list of forklifts at prices way below what you found at the local dealership.   Before you put that cream puff in Read more

The Lift You Need – Practically FREE*

Joyce Schwob - June 27, 2013

What do forklifts and coffee have in common? Well, they both give you a needed ‘lift’ and both can be strong and powerful. Most of the folks here at JIT Toyota-Lift are big fans of coffee and we thought it would be pretty cool to have our own brand. So we found a local roaster, a cool Read more

3 Reasons to Have a PM Agreement

Joyce Schwob - June 18, 2013

A Planned Maintenance Agreement is vital to keeping your forklift fleet healthy for a number of reasons. Here are 3 of them: During a typical PM Service inspection a technician can identify wear items before they fail, break, or damage other parts.  They can note safety related items that are inoperable and suggest replacements to Read more