Old Forklifts Never Die, They Get Recycled

Sunday November 15th is America Recycles Day, a national initiative of Keep America Beautiful
JIT Toyota-Lift takes recycling seriously every day, in fact we’ve taken the Recycle at Work Pledge whereby we have promised to recycle at least 10% more of the materials generated at our facilities over the next 2 years.
- In recognition of America Recycles Day, we’re encouraging other businesses to do the same by sharing some insights into how our business sends less to the landfill.
When most people think about recyclables the common household items come to mind; plastic bottles, food cans, glass containers and newspapers. But have you ever thought about what happens to forklifts that have reached the end of their useful lives, or the industrial batteries that power many of them?
We recycle old used forklifts; the fluids are drained, batteries are removed and the spent chassis are loaded up and taken to a scrap metal yard. Ben Weitsman Upstate Shredding supplies us with these great dumpsters in Jamestown. When it’s full they haul it away for scrap metal recycling!
We recycle used industrial batteries which contain steel, plastic, copper, lead and acid – all recyclable!
We recycle cardboard, paper, plastic, glass and metal. Like most businesses, a lot of the goods we use come in cardboard boxes. We use Casella Waste Services and really like their Zero-Sort®Recycling. It’s convenient because cardboard, paper, plastic, glass and metal can all go in the same dumpster.
We also recycle all old electronics such as PCs, printers, toner cartridges, power cords, monitors, and telephones with Sunnking. Used oils, acids, hydraulic fluids, solvents, used parts and old tires go to vendors like Safety Kleen and Geiter Done
If you have dead forklifts or old industrial batteries taking up space at your facility, we can help you recycle them.